Alright, this is definitely not a gift for anybody. For teens who like biology or want to go into a medical profession it’s a very good gift. It will also help college level students trying to cram all those details into their heads. There’s a reason I never contemplated studying medicine and it’s precisely that: all that cramming. My memory wasn’t up to it at 18, nor is it now.
There are human anatomy coloring books at all kinds of levels – starting at Elementary school, through Middle and High School all the way up to the level doctors need. On this list I’ve of course mentioned the kind of detail you should expect. Don’t go too far – if you’re still learning what the kidney is, you will only be distracted by a book that helps you remember the details of how a kidney works. Shown here is The Anatomy Coloring Book.
These books are clearly for people, like me, who learn visually. But hey – learning body parts any other way makes no sense at all, says the teacher in me.
Here’s the most entertaining way for children to get a good look at the human body and learn how bodies work: 28 fun and instructive, ready-to-color illustrations. Coordinating text explores the muscular, skeletal, nervous, digestive, respiratory, and immune systems, and answers such questions as What is a hiccup? and Where is my DNA? Reviewers add that it’s clearly meant for elementary school and smarter kids in that age group may be better off with the next one on this list. A great book to learn about body parts, the immune system, muscles etc. |
Human Anatomy Coloring Book (Colouring Books)
Start Exploring: Gray’s Anatomy: A Fact-Filled Coloring Book This is a classic – 85 coloring pages in a book that was the first illustrated book for medicine students to learn anatomy in 1858! Still up to date though: anatomy is not a science that changes much. |
170 plates – that says it all, doesn’t it? This has been THE anatomy coloring book for upcoming doctors for decades. There are NO (serious) negative reviews for this book on Amazon. |
This book focuses more on the physiology systems than the Anatomy coloring book to which it’s a companion. Some reviewers complain that the pictures are too small, others say that they came away from coloring it with a better understanding of the systems in question. Overall the reviews are highly positive. |
These are fantastic anatomy books, Katinka. Definitely a great idea for someone who is interested in anatomy.