Buddha Quote T-Shirts

A fun gift to give to your Buddhist friends for Christmas or any time would be Buddha quote t-shirts. There are so many wonderful options of quotes and styles of t-shirts that will make nice gifts that you will enjoy giving and the recipient will enjoy getting. The selections that I am showcasing all come from print on demand sites so you have the option of customizing most of them. They are also not ones that you will find in your local shops when looking for t-shirts with Buddha quotes on them. That makes your gift even more personal and unique. 

Buddha FocusBuddha Focus

Do not dwell in the past,

do not dream of the future,
Concentrate the mind on the present moment

What We Think We Shall Become Buddha What We Think We Shall Become Buddha Quote

All that we are, is the result of what we have thought.
The mind is everything.
What we think we shall become.

This quote is often misunderstood. Within a Buddhist context it refers to the likelihood of becoming like our thoughts in FUTURE LIFE TIMES. Think like a pig today, and you’ll literally become one tomorrow. That sort of thing. While there is a philosophical tradition that takes this figuratively, even those philosophers would not dream of saying that what you think today will make you rich tomorrow. In Buddhism the way to become rich (again, probably in a future birth) is to be generous today. 

Something like this Buddha Quote To Have Everything Tshirt Buddha Quote To Have Everything Tshirt would make a nice gift for anyone who follows the teachings of Buddhism. The message which reads, “To have everything is to possess nothing” is a wonderful thought about materialism. You can order the shirt to be printed with about 18 different colors for the background which makes it nice. It also comes in styles that men would prefer and ones for women, too. They will find it quite comfortable to wear as it is made from 100% cotton.

Peace Buddha Tee Shirt Peace Buddha Tee Shirt makes for another nice style with a Buddha quote. It reminds us that true peace comes within ourselves before it can manifest into the larger picture of the world. There are several colors that you can choose to have the background to be. It also comes in different styles like a rounded neckline or a v shaped neckline. A fun shirt that can be for casual wear or could be dressed up a bit with a sweater or blazer.

The Zen Joy Shirt shirt shown at the right is a great option for a friend or family member who enjoys the baseball jersey style of t shirt. The quote is a reminder that our self esteem is important. The message is:

Know who you are – Be what you know.

You can choose from black sleeves, red sleeves or blue sleeves and you also have the option to have the same message on 15 other styles of t shirts if the baseball jersey style is not something that the person you plan to give it to will wear.

the_power_of_words_tshirtPower of Words gives the message of Buddha in this quote, “Respect the power of words, choose them with care”. The message is outlined in a nice botanical style frame. The shirt shown at the left is a ladies burnout style t-shirt. You can choose a different style with the same message that will work for men, women, teens and kids. This shirt is a print on demand product that will be made for you in the style and size of your choice.

For a long sleeve t-shirt option the Lord Buddha Quote Long Sleeve Dark T-Shirt has a wonderful quote. “Three things can not be hidden – the sun, the moon and the truth”. The message can be printed on any of 29 different styles for your convenience. It is printed on demand in the choices that you prefer which makes it a nice and unique gift for your friend or family member.


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