Top Baby Dolls to Love and Nurture
Are you looking for a baby doll to purchase for a special little girl in your life? Perhaps it will be her first baby doll and you want it to be special, one that she will love for years to come. Maybe you would like to make sure that she has some baby dolls that represent your own family’s ethnic culture. You might want to make sure that she has a baby doll that has her own skin color, eye color and hair color. All of those options are available when choosing a baby doll for a little girl.
You might also be looking to add some baby dolls to your growing collection of dolls and I can help you find those, too.
Shown here: Melissa & Doug Jenna – 12″ Doll
Melissa & Doug Baby Dolls
The Melissa & Doug line of toys are chosen by a lot of Moms, Grandmas and Aunts when it comes to purchasing toys for children. They have a line of baby dolls that are very sweet and made for little girls to enjoy playing with. The bodies are soft and the face, arms and legs are washable with a damp cloth. Each pretend baby comes in a sweet little outfit. A few of the dolls are like a newborn while others resemble a slightly older baby not quite a toddler yet.
Such a sweet little baby doll that is perfect for a little girl when you start to begin potty training or maybe a little before you start so she understands the concept. Little Annie is a 12 inch doll that can drink from her bottle and sit on her potty chair. When given water she will “go” in her diaper or in her potty. She is dressed in a a cute little flower and gingham sundress with coordinating underpants and bonnet. She has a pacifier and her own diaper, too.
A realistic looking baby doll
This little baby doll looks so real! The all vinyl doll comes with two extra outfits for your little girl to dress it up in. Baby measures 14 inches long which is just a few inches short of the size of a real newborn baby. This baby doll has a pleasant scent, too.
A popular doll baby for doll collectors due to the varied expressions and lifelike look to the baby. Some customers complain that it has been perfumed a bit much, however since that’s the only complaint that won’t stop me from listing it here.

Corolle Baby Dolls
They have ordinary Caucasian baby dolls, but I’m featuring the Asian and African American one instead, because they’re harder to find.
Made in France the Corolle baby dolls are so very precious! They are purposely made to be lightweight for a little girl to be able to carry, love and nurture. They are scented a soft vanilla scent and the bodies are bean filled with the face and limbs in a vinyl that can be wiped clean when needed. Corolle wants their line of baby dolls to be the choice for a little girl’s “first baby” to pretend play with and have paid much attention to detail.

An Interactive Baby Doll
This Little Mommy Bedtime doll by Mattel requires batteries to operate and they are included in your purchase. Place the pacifier in her little mouth and her eyes close as if she is sleeping. She can play three different lullabies and says some sweet little phrases. If you take the pacifier out of her mouth she will coo and be ready for some sweet pretend play. Her little body is extra soft and makes for a great companion for a little girl to take to bed with her at night or nap time.
Baby Dolls Encourage Nurturing in boys and girls
Whether a little girls grows up to be a Mommy or not, learning to nurture is important for any child to learn. Even little boys should be encouraged to pretend play in ways that teach him to nurture. They may not grow up to be parents but being a kind and attentive adult is important in many aspects of life. The pretend play of taking care of a baby will follow through to adulthood and be helpful in taking care of pets and animals that may be a part of their life, too. Nurturing is called to play in relationships throughout our lives. It may be a spouse, a best friend, a child, animal or perhaps even the care of an elderly parent or grandparent.
Ethnic Baby Dolls
My mom had me a black baby doll when I was little. That’s almost 40 years ago now. She was way ahead of her time, especially taking into account that we’re Caucasian. By now, all grown up, the world has come into a lot more color than I experienced in my youth. I’m starting to get bored by blond! It just looks so generic. It’s unrealistic too, as the majority of humanity is NOT blond.
Different doll manufacturers are doing a better job of creating dolls that represent the ethnic heritage that a little girl shares with her own family. It used to be that dolls were mostly Caucasian with blond or brown hair and that was the only choice that a parent or friend had to give to a little girl. Baby dolls can now be found that represent an African heritage, Asian heritage and Hispanic heritage. Hopefully as we all embrace the different dolls depicting the different ethnic cultures of the world more cultures will be represented in doll form.
A gift of a baby doll is always a good idea for little girls at Christmas or any time. The selections are endless when it comes to baby dolls for little girls. There are dolls to just love, nurture and pretend play with and then there are dolls that have a particular theme like potty training, bath time. Doll companies are starting to re-introduce the popular drink and wet dolls that so many of us played with when we were little girls. You can choose plush dolls for the littlest little mommy to be or you can choose soft body and soft vinyl style dolls. Most come with little outfits that can be changed and many come with accessories for play time.
Baby Stella is a very popular doll to give to baby and toddler girls. She is plush, lightweight and easy for a little one to carry and cuddle. Little girls can place the pacifier on Stella’s mouth easily as it has a magnet to allow it to be in the correct place. They can change her diaper and her clothing when they have developed the dexterity to accomplish those tasks.
Little Sweet Pea has a soft fabric body including her hands with a soft vinyl face. Her pacifier can be attached to her hand while your little girl is playing with her baby doll. She is wearing a velvety soft sleeper and cap. Sweet Pea measures 12 inches in length and is made of baby safe materials.
From Mattel this Little Mommy baby doll is dressed in an adorable zebra striped outfit and has a blanket to swaddle her in. Her pacifier attaches to a ribbon so that it won’t get lost. She is 12 inches and made of soft vinyl. Little girls can learn to nurture so easily with this sweet little baby doll. Recommended for ages 36 months and older.
The Cabbage Patch is producing babies, again. You might have played with the Cabbage Patch kids when you were little. Sweet little baby dolls that come in several hair colors and eye color combinations. The Cabbage Patch Babies are also available in different ethnic styles. This particular baby doll has her own blanket and baby bottle that is shaped like a cabbage leaf. Her pacifier is also colored to look like something growing in a garden patch. She measures about 12 1/2 inches. Recommended for ages 2 years and older.