Shopping for toddler gifts for girls can be so much fun! She is becoming an independent little being and loves to pretend play. Since most of her experience is either what she observes from Mommy and Daddy or perhaps an older sibling or two, she likes to be able to play with items that she sees others use around her. Giving her items that will help her learn shapes, colors, numbers and letters is fun for her but also is preparing her for when she will begin to go to nursery school. She is developing her fine motor skills and will be able to do some simple cognitive exercises in play, also.
Shown here: Mega Bloks First Builders Big Building Bag, 80-Piece (Classic) a best seller for toddlers. Two and Three year old girls too will love building their first constructions and developing their creativity. The alternative is Duplo of course.
Grasping, trying to fit pieces of Duplo together, pretend play with the Duplo figurines – it’s all an education for your toddler. Unlike the smaller regular Lego pieces, Duplo pieces are too large to swallow, get stuck in noses etc, so they’re safe for your toddler to experiment with. Whether it’s just grasping, or they’re ready to start creating stuff – it’s all good.
- Soft building blocks for toddlers
- Puzzles for toddlers
- Toddler Camera Reviews
- Pretend phone
- Books for Toddlers
- Dora the Explorer gifts and toys
- Lego for toddlers: Duplo
A Dollhouse Fit For A Princess
Little People Disney Princess Songs Palace
The Disney Princess castle is so adorable and really a lot of fun for a toddler to play with. This particular castle comes with Snow White and Cinderella with the option of getting other singing and talking Disney Princess characters. When placed on the dance floor the little princess will sometimes say who she is and other times sing a song from the movie that she stars in. There is a bed for the little people to sleep in, a table for them to dine at and different little rooms for the character to be placed in.
LeapFrog Shapes And Sharing Picnic Basket
A 14 piece picnic set for her to learn and play with. There is the picnic basket, 2 plates, 2 cups, 2 forks, 1 blanket and 6 food items. She will learn shapes and colors along with a little music, too. When the lid is opened songs play and a variety of sound effects. Operates on 3 AA batteries that are included in your purchase. Parents can also connect to the LeapFrog Learning Path online.
Construction toy for toddlers on the road
I started this page pretty unconventionally with mega bloks, because as a girl I played with blocks more than I played with dolls. I am sure I would have loved these magnetic Tegu blocks as well: they hold together and because of the prism lines, you can make the same kinds of shapes as with tangram.
My Top Picks For Electronic Educational Toys For 3 Year Olds
Electronic toys and gadgets are ubiquitous in our society. Kids are learning younger than ever how to manipulate electronics for learning and entertainment purposes. I think this is wonderful! The key is to make sure what your child is using is age appropriate.
I have carefully selected the top electronic educational toys for 3 year olds based on popularity, sales, and user reviews. As a mom to a three year old I’ve also chosen based on what would work best for my family.
If you are looking for a great gift that will encourage learning in a fun and interesting way, then you are in the right place. The products are in the order I recommend them!
The LeapPad3 Explorer is rated for kids age 3 to 9, so this learning tablet will last a long time. The Explorer3 has front and back cameras/video recorders, 4 GB of memory, and five included apps. The five apps are Pet Pad, Cartoon Director, LeapFrog Learning Songs, and an interactive Art Studio. One free app is available for download from a list of four popular apps.
The LeapFrog Explorer3 has a touch screen and it comes with a stylus. It plays music and videos that enhance the enjoyment and learning capabilities of the device.
There are more than 325 cartridges available for purchase, plus a library of apps online to check out.
Would you like an easy way to know where your child needs help? The LeapFrog Learning Path allows the parent to see the details of how the LeapPad has been used, what areas your child has studied and may need help in. This is a great tool so that parents know what subjects their kids need to focus on or that they need extra help in. This is a huge benefit for parents and kids.
In addition to the LeapFrog Explorer2 learning tablet, 2 built in cameras/recorders, 5 included apps noted above, and free app download already mentioned above, the kit also comes with a USB cable so it can be hooked up to a regular computer for registration and Internet access.
A package of 10 barrettes with pretty bows for her hair. The package includes a variety of styles and color combinations that will coordinate with just about anything in her growing little wardrobe.
Stephen Joseph Girls 2-6x Girl’s Quilted Backpack, Ballet Bunny, One Size
She will feel like a really big girl with her own backpack. It is made from 100% cotton and machine washable and comes in 16 different styles and color combinations. She can use her backpack if she goes to daycare to transport her snacks and stuff that she will need while she is there. She can use the backpack to put her clothing and toys in when she goes to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa. And she can just play with it around the house, learning to put items in and take them out.
Fisher-Price Brilliant Basics Stroll-Along Walker
She can place her favorite doll baby in a stroller and walk around pretending to be the Mommy. If she presses the wiggly jiggly bear on the handle she will hear three different songs. The wheel base is fairly wide on this stroller so that it does not tip very easy while the toddler girl pushes it around. To add to the fun there is a flip book, spinners and a roller bar for her to interact with.
Age appropriate gift suggestions for the girl of 1, 2 or 3
Choosing a gift for a three year old girl can be so much fun! She really is not a baby any longer and the choices that she now makes in what she wants to play with have been kicked up a notch or two. She is discovering the world around her and she is verbalizing more and more. It really is a very fun age! It is kind of important that you get age appropriate gifts for a 3 year old. Finding ones that are slightly older might create a challenge and there is nothing wrong with that but make it too far away from her skill sets and she will just get frustrated. You do not want to choose something that is too simple, either. I am sure she has reminded you more than once that she is not a baby.
If you have a minute, let me show you some good choices for 3 year old girl gifts.
Beginner Puzzles Make Great Toys For Toddler Girls
Puzzles geared toward the toddler are wonderful gifts for both toddler girls and boys. They help them recognize items like shapes, animals, numbers and a variety of objects. They give them practice in improving their dexterity. A puzzle helps a toddler complete a simple task of placing the right piece in the right spot. They are matching the shape of the puzzle piece to the shape of the slot where it goes. I think every home should have simple puzzles for toddlers to work.
Tricycle For Toddler Girls
A tricycle is a great gift for a 3 year old toddler to begin to learn to ride. She begins to learn the concept of steering to get where she wants to go. She uses her feet to make it go and she begins to see and experience cause and effect. When I pedal with my feet, I make the trike go forward or backward. It is also very good exercise for a toddler to do and have fun with at the same time.
Toys That Make Music – for toddler girls
Every child should have some type of a musical instrument to play with. Not all children will grow up to be a musician but music is an important part of all of our lives. We listen to music, we sometimes dance to music and a few play music for others to enjoy. Being able to hear the sounds that an instrument can make and to begin to create in only the way their little toddler hands and bodies can is beneficial for all toddlers. Music can be soothing, music can be energetic and music is sometimes even therapeutic. There are many individuals who also have a strong learning style that involves the “beat” of what they are learning in words and instruction.
Dress-up Magnetic Dolls
Melissa & Doug Deluxe 27-Piece Nina Ballerina Magnetic Dress-Up
At three it would be difficult for her to work with the old fashioned paper dolls that we might have played with when we were girls. Toy makers have realized that and have started making magnetic dolls that are a little larger and easier for a young girl to play with. I like the ones that are made from wood particles because they are sturdier for playtime. The clothes are easy to change and there is no worry of tearing off those little bitty tabs. She can choose which items she wants the doll to wear and will eventually get a grasp of what looks good together and what does not. This helps her later when she begins to pick out her own clothing combinations.
Encourage Exercise With A Riding Toy
Depending on where she is at in her third year, a riding toy like a tricycle is a wonderful idea. It is going to take some practice for her to figure out how to peddle but once she is mobile she will love it! Riding a tricycle will strengthen her leg muscles and she will learn the coordination it takes to steer where she wants to go. Getting one like the one below by Fisher-Price is a very good starter one.
Let her nurture a doll
She is probably starting to play more pretend types of activities and one of the first things little girls pretend to be is the Mommy. Giving her a baby doll that she can “mother” is fun for her. She can learn to take the clothes off and put them back on again which improves her dexterity and helps her for when she is ready to dress herself. The nice thing about the doll shown below is that it is soft and realistic looking. You can also purchase additional clothing for her to make choices in how her baby will be dressed for the day.
Toddler Girls Play Mommy – Baby dolls for toddlers
A wonderful toy for a toddler girl is a baby doll all her own. She will begin to learn how to nurture something which will carry over into her adult live whether she grows up to be a Mother herself or not. Nurturing does not always have to be about babies and children. We nurture pets, we nurture plants and we nurture relationships with other adults. Baby dolls for toddlers help them to begin to grasp the concept of taking care of something or someone else. Cloth dolls are wonderful as a first baby doll for a toddler girl. They are generally lighter in weight for her to carry around and most can be washed in the washing machine.
Her first board game
At three a little girl can sit longer to do an activity so introducing easy board games at this age is a great idea. Something like Candy Land where she does not have to be able to read cards is an excellent choice. She can match where her piece goes by the picture on the card she draws. She will get practice in counting and feel pretty grown up playing a game like the older kids do.

Building Sets For Smaller Hands
If she has older siblings she probably already knows about Legos. The smaller bricks are going to be a little too difficult for her to master. So, give her ones that are made for the younger kids in mind. Lego Duplo bricks are larger and easier for a three year old to play with. This is one of those activities that she will need some assistance with but once it is put together she can have so much fun. You can also make this a learning activity while building it, too. Ask her if she sees a piece that looks like the picture in the instructions. Have her give it to you. In some cases you could even say, place it here. It can be a fun activity for both of you.
Of course you can also just stimulate her to create her own fairy castle. It doesn’t have to look like the picture.
Build some learning skills with the 1, 2 or 3 year old
Let her choose things. That may sound a little silly but actually it isn’t. This activity helps her in learning many things. Give her a choice as to which outfit she prefers to wear for the day. This give her some practice in decision making and verbalizing her wishes. Another option is what does she want for lunch or a snack. Little things that she can make a choice on helps her more than you might think.
She has reached an age where she will find some satisfaction and pride in completing a task. Start with something simple and build on it as she ages. She might need a little assistance with some things but avoid taking over and doing it all for her. That could frustrate her and also harm her self esteem.
Encourage her to ask questions because it improves verbal skills. Suggest different ways to use common materials around the house. Provide new experiences when you can to nurture discovery and creativity.
Always be encouraging. If she is corrected too many times or discouraged from critical remarks she may become less enthusiastic to the learning process altogether. The best praise is of the effort, not the skill. Girls often internalize the idea that if they’re good at something, it’s innate – this means that if they can’t do something right away, they will stop trying. Since most things in life require a lot of attempts before they’re mastered, stimulating the EFFORT will stimulate them more long term.
Toys For Girls Aged 1 To 3 Years
Are you looking for some suggestions of toys for toddler girls? I am sure that you want toys that are fun to play with for a little girl. It is also a good idea to find toys that will assist her in developing the motor and cognitive skills that she is naturally growing into. A child in the toddler phase of growth is learning a massive amount of both physical skills and intellectual information.
Featured Product: Toddler Music Favorites
Finding toys for toddler girls that help her recognize colors, shapes, numbers and words are educational and fun for her, too. Choosing a toy that begins the process of completing a task is good for her cognitive development. Pretend play becomes an activity that a toddler girl loves, too.
Toddler Girls Get Their First Purse
As a toddler, a little girl notices that Mommy has a purse. She observes how her Mom uses that purse and wants to imitate her. Giving her a purse of her very own will encourage her to stay out of Mommy’s purse and so much more. She can pretend play to be a big girl and she begin to learn how to use the items that are included in her little purse. She will have a toy cell phone, a tube of lipstick, an unbreakable mirror, keys and even a wallet to hold her pretend credit card.
Such a cute idea for a girl toddler, her first purse! The purse is purple with a large pink flower so she is sure to think that it is very pretty. Also included are a set of plastic keys, a cell phone and a wallet. She will also have fun playing with the toy tube of lipstick, a mirror that can not break and a pretend debit card.
Toy Cookware For Toddlers
Our toddlers, both girls and boys, observe grown-ups cooking meals. They may not be exactly sure what all of that activity in the kitchen is all about in the beginning. They do begin to rationalize in their own way that when Mommy or Daddy are doing those interesting things that eventually there is food to be eaten. Allowing them their own toys that can emulate the process of cooking is a fun way to let them play and learn about what the items are that are used in the preparation of food. You can also start to teach them colors, names of items and shapes with a toy cookware set.
Besides having a set of toy cookware for a toddler girl, you can enhance their pretend and educational play even more by giving them toy foods, toy dishes, a toy kitchen and different styles of cooking utensils.
Pretend Shopping Toy
A toy shopping cart is not only fun for a little girl to play with but it is also something that as she is beginning to walk on her own, she can hold on to for a little stability. She has watched as Mommy or Daddy take her through the shopping aisles of a grocery store or big box store so she knows that when you use one of these fun items, you place things in them.
Educational Ways To Play
Toddler girls are beginning to develop social skills in learning how to share and play with others. They are learning to perform simple and then a little more complex set of tasks. Your toddler is beginning to verbalize and needs to learn words that describe both objects around her and the colors, shapes and numbers that she will use for the rest of her life.
She is starting to understand emotions and feelings and should be encouraged to pretend play about them and also to express them.
Her little body is beginning to get more control in her arms, legs and fingers. Dexterity comes into her playtime. Hand to eye and hand to foot activities are always good ways to play.
Ideas for Gifts For Girls In General
If you are looking for gift ideas of dolls, plush animals and soft toys that can be given to a girl of any age, you might enjoy seeing the list of ideas listed on this page. Click here to see the selections.
See also gift ideas and toys for toddler boys